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Please join us on Saturday, September 14 from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am at Minute Maid’s Union Station, 501 Crawford St., Houston, TX 77002 // Black Tie Networking begins at 6:00 pm. For more information, or to inquire about remaining sponsorship opportunities, contact Pete Garcia at (713) 854-1577 or
United Airlines Commemorates Fiftieth Anniversary of Moon
Landing with Celebratory Flight, Specialty Menus
and An Opportunity to Visit NASA’s Johnson Space Center
HOUSTON, JUNE 21, 2019 – Fifty years after Apollo 11 landed on the Moon in July 1969, United Airlines stands with the nation in celebration of this milestone anniversary. Beginning today and continuing throughout July, the airline, in coordination with Houston First Corporation, Space Center Houston, NASA Johnson Space Center and OTG will provide customers with a variety of opportunities to learn about and celebrate space exploration.
“From the moment John F. Kennedy stood on the steps of Rice University in Houston and made a bold commitment to further U.S. space exploration efforts, Houston became part of the national dialogue about how and when we would put a man on the moon,” said Rodney Cox, vice president for United’s Houston hub. “As Houston’s hometown airline, United is honored to commemorate this historic mission with our customers.”
Planned activities include:
• Inflight entertainment: A special inflight entertainment channel with 17 dedicated space-related programs developed by NASA will be accessible on all flights with seatback entertainment and personal device entertainment as early as July 1. The channel will feature documentaries about NASA’s push to the Moon, views of Earth from the Space Station, action cam footage of NASA astronaut spacewalks and more.
• Dine like an astronaut: Two of the restaurants in United’s terminals at George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) in Houston – Ember and Tanglewood Grille – will feature dishes throughout July inspired by the food items the astronauts ate onboard Apollo 11. To ensure authenticity, restaurant operator OTG sent their award-winning culinary team to NASA’s Space Food Systems Laboratory in Houston to learn about and taste food prepared by NASA’s food scientists. Specialty beverages, such as Tang-infused cocktails, will also be available for customers travelling through Houston to enjoy.
• Digital takeover of Terminal C-North: For the month of July, each of the terminal’s gate lounge’s will be transformed into a digital art gallery hosting vivid photography from the Apollo 11 mission, while iPads at all OTG locations will feature an educational trivia game developed by Space Center Houston.
• Pop-up science lab experiences: From July 9-11, Space Center Houston will provide Apollo 11-themed pop-up science labs throughout United’s Terminal C and E and IAH. These interactive, hands-on exhibits will let passengers of all ages explore science and engineering in fun and educational ways during their visit to IAH.
• Astronaut meet and greet at IAH: Customers will have the opportunity to meet and take photos with retired Astronaut Ken Cameron. A NASA astronaut, engineer, U.S. Marine Corps officer and pilot, Cameron will meet and greet customers in the United Clubs July 9-11.
• Mission: Space City celebration flight: On July 17, the same day Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Buzz Aldrin made their first TV transmission from Earth to space, United will host a special celebration flight from its New York area hub at Newark Liberty International airport to Houston to recognize the historic occasion. Customers onboard Flight 355 will enjoy space-themed entertainment, inflight gifts and mingle with special onboard guests who have first-hand experience in space.
• Mission: Space City social media contest: Starting today, space enthusiasts will have a chance to win two seats onboard the Apollo 11 celebration flight as well as a behind the scenes tour of NASA. To enter visit LINK.
• MileagePlus Exclusives: Beginning July 1, customers will be able to bid miles on space-themed MileagePlus experiences such as VIP access to Space Center Houston’s Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Celebration featuring the band Walk the Moon. For more information,
"We couldn't be prouder of the role that Houston has played in some of the world's biggest accomplishments, like the Apollo 11 mission," says Brenda Bazan, President and CEO of Houston First, Corp. "During Space City Month, we're excited to welcome visitors from around the globe. Between Space Center Houston and many world class museums, our city is a great place to satisfy a love for discovery and exploration."
Every customer. Every flight. Every day.
In 2019, United is focusing more than ever on its commitment to its customers, looking at every aspect of its business to ensure that the carrier keeps customers' best interests at the heart of its service. In addition to today's announcement, United recently announced that luxury skincare line Sunday Riley will make products exclusively for United customers to experience in amenity kits, released a re-imagined version of the most downloaded app in the airline industry, introduced ConnectionSaver, a new tool dedicated to improving the experience for customers connecting from one United flight to the next and made DIRECTV free for every passenger on 211 aircraft, offering more than 100 channels on seat back monitors on more than 30,000 seats.
About United
United’s shared purpose is “Connecting People. Uniting the World.” We are more focused than ever on our commitment to customers through a series of innovations and improvements designed to help build a great experience: Every customer. Every flight. Every day. Together, United Airlines and United Express operate approximately 4,900 flights a day to 355 airports across five continents. In 2018, United and United Express operated more than 1.7 million flights carrying more than 158 million customers. United is proud to have the world's most comprehensive route network, including U.S. mainland hubs in Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York/Newark, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. United operates 779 mainline aircraft and the airline's United Express carriers operate 569 regional aircraft. United is a founding member of Star Alliance, which provides service to 193 countries via 28 member airlines. For more information, visit, follow @United on Twitter and Instagram or connect on Facebook. The common stock of United's parent, United Continental Holdings, Inc., is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol "UAL".
About Houston First Corporation
Houston First is the official destination marketing organization for the city of Houston. A local government corporation formed in 2011, Houston First also owns the Hilton Americas-Houston Hotel, manages the George R. Brown Convention Center as well as 10 city-owned properties and the new Avenida Houston entertainment and convention district. Learn more at
Sultan Global Group is proud to launch its Mexico service.
Sultan Global Group (SGG) is launching its Mexico service to facilitate U.S. and other international companies seeking to do business in Mexico as well as facilitating Mexican companies seeking to do business in the U.S. Although our personnel have deep expertise in oil and natural gas, especially on the downstream and markets side, our connections and relationships will enable and create business opportunities in various sectors. Our advisory will not only cover business and industry matters, it will cover general matters such as political, security, and social issues since risk in these areas will also affect business in Mexico.
Mexico is currently the 8th largest producer of petroleum and other liquids in the world as well as the fourth-largest producer in the Americas after the U.S, Canada and Brazil. 2015, Mexico accounted for 688,000 barrels per day (b/d), or 9%, of U.S. crude oil imports although its oil production has steadily declined since 2005 due to natural production declines from the Cantarell and other large offshore fields. In order to stymie this decline, the Mexican government enacted constitutional reforms in August 2014 which ended the 75-year monopoly of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), the state-owned oil company to explore and produce oil in the hope that private and other companies could bring technology and other expertise to explore for new sources of oil in addition to enhancing recovery of already discovered deposits.
Round One of energy auctions began in 2015 and offered production-sharing contracts in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Each Round will consist of several bids and five Rounds will be held enabling the auctions to take place over several years.
Although companies will have several years to assess which energy auctions to participate in based on the intelligence they are gathering regarding details about the energy reform, they will need ongoing assistance regarding social, security, economic and political conditions in the country particularly around their investments. SGG has the connections and expertise to provide real, insider information. More importantly, regarding oil and natural gas markets, companies will not have intimate details regarding the operations of these markets and they will need to rely on the expertise of those who operated in these markets – personnel from Pemex. SGG can proudly state that with former senior personnel from Pemex on our team, we can provide clients real operations experience on the ground.
Since Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for the presidency of the United States, most analysts can agree that the dynamics of the U.S.-Mexico relationship have changed dramatically. In addition to advising U.S. and foreign companies and individuals seeking to do business in Mexico, SGG can advise and empower Mexican companies and individuals seeking to do business in the U.S. Not only can we assist Mexican entities in understanding the political, social, regulatory security and economic conditions throughout the U.S., we can make business-to-business introductions as well as identifying and engaging key stakeholders for clients.
With a team consisting of foremost experts in Mexican and U.S. energy, political, social, security and economic issues, SGG can multiply your business opportunities. Companies interested in Sultan Global Group’s services should contact SGG at or +1 713 851 4029.
About Sultan Global Group
SGG is a multi-industry and multi-sector business advisory firm specializing in government affairs and engagement, public affairs, energy and strategy and development. Saadia Sultan is the Founding Partner at SGG. Ms. Sultan is a seasoned government relations leader, previously with ExxonMobil and BHP Billiton. She has over 18 years of experience in domestic and international government relations and public affairs.
For more information about SGG, please visit
Click here to see full document of the United States - Mexico - Canada Agreement
Foley & Lardner LLP y Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP anuncian la integración exitosa de las dos reconocidas firmas de abogados, efectiva el 1 de abril de 2018, y que de forma conjunta contará con alrededor de mil 100 abogados en 24 oficinas en Estados Unidos, México, Asia y Europa.
Específicamente, Foley ahora extenderá su presencia a Texas (Austin, Dallas y Houston), Denver y la Ciudad de México, puerta de entrada a América Latina, para beneficio de sus clientes y abogados en asuntos transaccionales y transfronterizos.
Del mismo modo, los clientes y abogados de Gardere se beneficiarán de la fuerte presencia de Foley en Estados Unidos, concretamente la región central, las costas Este y Oeste, y Florida, así como en Bélgica y Tokio.
"En resumen, Foley y Gardere son mejores juntos", dijo Jay Rothman, presidente de la firma”.
"Las sinergias entre ambas firmas son claras", dijo Holland N. O'Neil, ex presidente de Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, ahora socia de Foley Gardere y miembro del Comité de Dirección de la nueva firma integrada.
Roberto Arena, Socio Director de la oficina de México, destacó el valor de la firma integrada para el mercado mexicano. “La presencia que tenemos en México desde 1992, incluso antes de la entrada en vigor del TLCAN, y la red que formamos en 1998 con despachos de abogados ampliamente reconocidos en sus respectivas jurisdicciones para prestar servicios en Centro y Sudamérica, se fortalece con la presencia que ahora tenemos en las dos costas y región central de EU”
Rothman continuó, "a medida que evoluciona la demanda por servicios legales, también lo deben hacer los despachos de abogados. Con eso en mente, la razón más importante para esta combinación es optimizar la capacidad de nuestros abogados para servir mejor a nuestros clientes”.
“Esperamos una transición fluida, en parte porque los valores de ambas firmas están alineados de manera significativa, pero también porque Foley y Gardere tienen una larga relación basada en trabajo para clientes mutuos, quienes podrán aprovechar un oferta más amplia de talentos y capacidades".
Foley podrá expandir geográficamente varias de sus áreas de servicio, incluyendo la práctica corporativa, litigio, propiedad intelectual (PI), energía, asuntos gubernamentales y reestructuración financiera. Además, la práctica de energía de Foley se fortalecerá al sumar capacidades tanto en petróleo, gas y energías renovables, como en infraestructura y financiamiento de proyectos.
"Como resultado de la combinación, estamos encantados de que Foley ahora tenga presencia en la Ciudad de México. Un número considerable de nuestros clientes tiene conexiones y operaciones en México, particularmente en manufactura y energía, por lo que tener presencia allí nos permite atender mejor las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Además, nuestra oficina en Miami brinda otra puerta de entrada a Latinoamérica, una región en expansión en la economía mundial, que es, una vez más, excelente para nuestros clientes que se están expandiendo en esa región”.
Foley también fortalecerá sus prácticas de capital privado, capital de riesgo y PI para atender mejor a sus clientes en Texas. El sólido ambiente de negocios en Texas genera oportunidades para que la firma integrada expanda sus prácticas corporativas, de propiedad intelectual y de cuidado de la salud en el mercado, en beneficio de clientes y abogados.
Esta combinación también significa que Gardere tendrá acceso a la amplia experiencia de Foley en los sectores automotriz, ciencias, deportes y tecnología; así como a su extensa trayectoria en asuntos gubernamentales en Washington, D.C.
Por su parte, O’Neil agregó "tanto Foley como Gardere han sido despachos históricamente reconocidos por su compromiso con el servicio al cliente y su capacidad profesional de asesorar a los clientes con soluciones legales y comerciales multidisciplinarias”.
“Al integrar nuestros recursos humanos y experiencia, ampliamos capacidades y canales para brindar a nuestros clientes soluciones legales estratégicas e innovadoras que nos permitan continuar con nuestra cultura compartida de primero el cliente”.
La firma legal integrada se llamará Foley Gardere en Austin, Dallas, Denver y Houston y Foley Gardere Arena en México. Todas las demás oficinas operarán como Foley & Lardner LLP. Con ingresos conjuntos de $ 830 millones de dólares, la firma se encuentra entre los 50 bufetes de abogados más grandes y reconocidos en Estados Unidos según American Lawyer.
Dear Members & Friends,
I want to personally invite you to be one of our sponsors for Fiesta Universal 2018 on May 5, 2018, at Town Green Park in The Woodlands from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This will be a free to the public multi-cultural event with lots of family entertainment for the day.
The US/Mexico Chamber of Commerce, The Montgomery County Hispanic Chamber, AEM (Asociacion de Empresarios Mexicanos) of The Woodlands, and The Woodlands Area Chamber of Commerce are working together to celebrate the Hispanic cultures of our community represented by each organization and its members.
For your convenience, I have provided a link to our sponsorship form and application outlining each sponsor level and entitlements available. As you will see, we have several different options that will fit any budget big or small. You can also access this information and register as a sponsor online at htpps://
We want you to take full advantage of our marketing plan to promote Fiesta Universal 2018 and register today. We will start an aggressive marketing campaign eight weeks prior to the event and will include our sponsors on all marketing materials. Please return your completed commitment form and high resolution logo by March 31st to the US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce at
For more information, please contact me or visit htpps://
Kindest Regards,
Pete Garcia
The Mexican National Hydrocarbons Commission recently published the public tender CNH-R03-L03/2018 with the description and guidelines to participate in a bidding process for the award of contracts for exploration and production activities in unconventional onshore blocks in the Burgos Basin, located in the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Main Aspects:
· Foreign companies may participate in the tender, either as operators, non-operators, or through joint ventures with other foreign or Mexican companies.
· The nine blocks to be awarded cover a total area of 2,704 km2 (approx. 668,173 acres).
· Each block has an average area of 300 km2 (approx. 74,131 acres), and would be awarded to the winner under the contractual structure of a License Agreement.
· The term of the License Agreement is 30 years with two possible extensions of five years each.
Best time to invest in Mexico while Mexican Peso at and all time low. Huatulco, Mexico on the beautiful Pacific Coast has so much to offer with non-stop flights from Houston on United Airlines.
MEDIA CONTACT: Ana Scuseria, Community Relations Director ( * 713-826-0445)
Gente de Teatro presents Querido San Antonio (Dear Saint Anthony), an ingenious play in which one man and three women meet at a church in a suburban neighborhood.
Dear Saint Anthony, by Argentine author Patricia Suárez is a witty play about the longings of three mid-twentieth century women, all devotees of Saint Anthony, who stray from the straight and narrow in an upside-down world where anything goes. (Hamman Hall, Rice University, April 27-30).
Houston, Texas – Gente de Teatro celebrates its 22nd season with Dear Saint Anthony, a play by Patricia Suárez. Cancún, our play previously announced for April will be presented next season.
During the first decades of the twentieth century, the world began to change, and so did women. In Dear Saint Anthony, the miracle-performing saint who can find lost objects and dreamed-of lovers becomes a magical interlocutor for three women. Clever, rebellious and ever hopeful, the women manage to revert the established order as they hope to find the man of their dreams, get back their small possessions and break free from their assigned roles. The end justifies the means in this search for the miracle of love. In Dear Saint Anthony, anything goes.
Dear Saint Anthony opens April 27 and runs through April 30. All performances are in Spanish with English Surtitles on April 28 & 29. Tickets can be purchased at
Patricia Suárez, the author, among other works, of the trilogy Las Polacas (Historias Tártaras, Casamentera y La Varsovia) brings to life a funny, smart, dynamic comedy revealing the relationship of a group of women with the world around them as well as their chances of revamping it to their advantage. In the words of the author, “Whatever you may call it, no one ever stops believing in magic.” A play about an upside-down world where crime is fair when committed by its victims, and love comes from friends rather than a lover."
Dear Saint Anthony, directed by Marcela Salas, features Gente de Teatro members Esteban Gago as Eliseo, Ana Scuseria as Filumena, Claudia Soroka as Carmela and guest actress Carolina Cutrera as Pina.
Performances of Dear Saint Anthony are Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 7:30pm and Sunday at 3:30pm. The production is not suitable for children.
Tickets to Dear Saint Anthony start at $22. Discounted tickets ($16) are available for students with ID. Tickets can be ordered online (
Gente de Teatro relies on the generous support of the Department of Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies at Rice University, Trini and O.C. Mendenhall Foundation, the Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston, the Consulate General of Argentina in Houston, Casa Argentina de Houston and United Airlines.
Patricia Suárez (Rosario, Argentina, 1969) has won several awards as a playwright, including the trilogy Las polacas consisting of Historias tártaras, Casamentera (Fondo Nacional de las Artes Award, Argentina, 2001) & La Varsovia (Instituto Nacional de Teatro Award, Argentina, 2001); the Award Scrtittura de la Differenza for Edgardo practica, Cósima hace magia; the Award Argentores for the production of Roter Himmel (Argentina, 2005), written with María Rosa Pfeiffer and the INT first Award (Argentina, 2007) for La Bámbola also written with María Rosa Pfeiffer. Her plays have been performed in different countries: La Rosa Mística at San Martín de Caracas Theatre, Venezuela (2009), Disparos por Amor directed by Jorge Cassino in Madrid, Spain (2010) and La engañifa in La Paz, Bolivia (2011). Natalina won the First Latin American Award Argentores (Argentina, 2011) and Maldad was awarded the Estrella de Mar Award in 2016 (Best play by an Argentine playwright). P. Suárez has also written several children’s books.
Gente de Teatro (GdT), a non-profit organization founded in 1995, is committed to promoting Latin American and Spanish culture through the work of renowned playwrights. All performances are in Spanish with English surtitles on Friday and Saturday. Gente de Teatro is the only non-profit theater organization in Houston that has consistently presented acclaimed plays in Spanish since 1995 – mostly at Rice University’s Hamman Hall. Other venues for their performances have been the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts (Houston, TX), Talento Bilingüe de Houston (Houston, TX), the University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX), Wildfish Theater (Houston, TX), Midtown Arts & Theater Center Houston (MATCH) and Mujeres (Women), Advancing, Culture, History & Art (MACHA) (West Hollywood, CA). GdT has greatly improved the quality of life of the Houston community by providing it with education, culture, entertainment and more.
For Immediate Press Release
Houston, Texas February 1, 2017
New strategic alliance between eClass and USMCOC
Winter is almost over! Get out your golf shoes and clean them up.
This year our annual golf classic will be at The Woodlands Tournament Course where the Shell Houston Open used to be played. A super nice course. Since we play scramble it is really about the networking, having a great time, promoting your brand and raising monies for your chamber of commerce.
If, you are not member, come join a group of business professionals who want to grow their businesses.
This Event will take place on April 3, 2017 at 8:00 AM
The United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce brings two keynote speakers to discuss the issue of Energy in Mexico and Texas to include Exploration, Refining, New Round of bidding, Electricity, LNG and more.
HOUSTON, TX JULY 6, 2016 – The British International School of Houston today announced that it will be part of a new collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The British International School of Houston will implement a unique science, technology, engineering, visual arts and mathematics (STEAM) programmed based on the multi-disciplinary approach pioneered by MIT.
Launching in September 2016, the program includes the development of a series of in-school challenges for students which focus on the juncture between the five STEAM disciplines. This recognises that many of today’s innovations arise from the intersection of these different subjects; from art and engineering to technology and science.
In addition to the in-school activities, students from the British International School of Houston will travel to Massachusetts to participate in an exclusive program each spring along with students from other Nord Anglia Education schools. They will learn directly from lecturers and students at one of the world’s leading STEAM institutions. The British International School of Houston STEAM discipline teachers will also benefit from unique professional development opportunities through annual workshops and ongoing training with MIT staff, hosted by the MIT Museum.
Core to the collaboration is the reflection of MIT’s philosophy of ‘Mens et Manus’, ‘mind and hand’, which calls for a hands-on approach to problem solving. Through this approach,British International School of Houston students will develop key transferable skills, such as flexibility, creativity and communication, which can be employed across all academic subjects, and in future careers.
“I am delighted to be able to announce our collaboration with MIT,” said Andrew Derry, Principal of the British International School of Houston.
“Our new Strategic Plan states we must prepare our students with the contemporary skills, attributes and concepts that equip them for their fast-changing, globally connected, technology-rich future.”
“Our new, state of the art, ‘School of the Future’ has been designed purposefully around learners and learning with specialist areas for Design Thinking, Computer Aided Design (CAD), and Maker Spaces, all of which fit perfectly with the MIT philosophy, Mens et Manus, to genuinely prepare our students for the challenges of their future,” Mr. Derry said.
Andrew Fitzmaurice, Chief Executive Officer at Nord Anglia Education said, “As educators, it is our role to ignite our students’ ambitions and prepare them for tomorrow’s challenges. This new programme with MIT will ensure that our students are equipped with the skills they will need in the future workplace, and that they learn these skills in an inspiring way.”
“This is an exceptional opportunity for both our students and teachers to benefit from the expertise of one of the world’s preeminent education institutions. With our performing arts curriculum developed in conjunction with The Juilliard School, and this exciting collaboration with MIT, we have ensured that our students will learn from the best. This positions our schools at the forefront of innovative education.”
John Durant, Director of the MIT Museum and Founder of the Cambridge Science Festival said, “Collaborating with Nord Anglia has enabled us to develop something truly exciting. The activities we have created for Nord Anglia students take a unique approach to problem solving, working across disciplines and promoting collaboration between students to create innovative solutions to real world challenges.
“We hope the collaboration with Nord Anglia will inspire students and staff alike, and provide students with key transferable skills that can be employed throughout their lives.”
The programme is expected to expand to educate more than 35,000 students at Nord Anglia’s 42 international schools in following years. This new venture comes one year after Nord Anglia Education launched its performing arts collaboration with The Juilliard School.
United repartirá hasta tres millones de millas de bonificación a clientes que contribuyan a determinadas organizaciones de ayuda humanitaria; las campañas anteriores de United han logrado recaudar millones de dólares para ayuda en casos de desastre
United también ofrecerá apoyo en especie a Airlink, consistente en espacio de carga para transportar ayuda
CHICAGO, 21 de abril de 2016 – United Airlines se ha aliado con algunas de las principales organizaciones de ayuda humanitaria para casos de desastre con el objetivo de brindar apoyo a quienes se vieron afectados por los recientes terremotos en Japón y Ecuador, así como las inundaciones en Houston. A partir de hoy, United repartirá hasta tres millones de millas de bonificación – un millón a cada una de las regiones afectadas – entre miembros del programa de viajero frecuente MileagePlus que hagan donativos a estas organizaciones.
“Expresamos nuestra solidaridad a quienes se han visto afectados por estos desastres”, dijo Sandra Pineau-Boddison, Vicepresidente Senior de Clientes de United. “Sabemos que nuestros clientes y empleados están ansiosos por brindar toda la asistencia posible, y nos enorgullece ofrecer un incentivo de millaje adicional por la generosidad de sus donativos en estos momentos de necesidad”.
Los miembros de MileagePlus que hagan donativos a la American Red Cross, a AmeriCares, Airlink, Global Giving,u Operation USA pueden recibir hasta 1,000 millas de bonificación si ingresan su número de MileagePlus al momento de hacer su donativo. Para otorgar las bonificaciones de millas, United utilizará los siguientes criterios, en función del monto de los donativos:
United repartirá hasta tres millones de millas de bonificación a sus clientes en el orden en que se registren los donativos, en función del monto, a través de la página de recaudación de fondos de la aerolínea. Este programa estará vigente hasta las 11:59 PM (tiempo de verano del centro de los EUA) del 10 de mayo de 2016. En las dos campañas anteriores de recaudación de la compañía, los clientes de United donaron aproximadamente US$3.5 millones.
Los clientes pueden hacer donativos a diferentes iniciativas de ayuda humanitaria y recibirán bonificaciones de millas de manera independiente para cada región a la que donen. Además de ofrecer millas de bonificación a sus clientes, United está proporcionando a Airlink apoyo en especie, consistente en espacio de carga para el transporte de ayuda humanitaria a Ecuador. El espacio de carga disponible se usará para enviar artículos para Airlink, que trabaja con organizaciones no gubernamentales para proveer ayuda a Ecuador, dado que es ahí donde se presenta la necesidad más apremiante.
Para más información y para hacer un donativo, visite
Acerca de United
United Airlines y United Express operan en promedio casi 5,000 vuelos diarios a 336 aeropuertos en seis continentes. En 2015, United y United Express operaron más de un millón y medio de vuelos y transportaron a 140 millones de clientes. Para United es un orgullo contar con la red de rutas más extensa, con hubs en Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Ángeles, Newark, San Francisco y Washington, D.C., United opera más de 715 aviones en su flota principal, y este año tiene previsto incorporar a su flota 21 nuevos aviones Boeing, que incluyen ejemplares 737NG, 787 y 777. United es miembro fundador de Star Alliance, que a través de sus 28 aerolíneas integrantes atiende a 192 países. Alrededor de 86,000 empleados de United radican en todos los estados de la Unión Americana y en muchos otros países. Para más información, visite, siga a @United en Twitter o haga contacto con nosotros a través de Facebook. Las acciones ordinarias de la empresa matriz de United, United Continental Holdings, Inc., se cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York (NYSE) bajo la clave de pizarra UAL.
Questions? Please contact Frank Galan at 713-502-6846 or or Pete Garcia 713-854-1577 with any questions pertaining USMCOC Golf Tournament sponsorships.
Advertise Your Business
Place your ad in the Houston Chamber Choir’s Mexicantos program Advertising with us is an economical way to reach your public
Cost: Full Page: $200 Half Page: $150
Deadline: February 22, 2016
Specifications: Full Page: 4.5in x 7.5in Half Page: 4.5in x 3.625in
(Send your document in 300 dpi, PDF o JPG. Black and white only.)
Mexicantos- Saturday, March 5, 2016 • 7:30 pm -The brilliance of Mexico’s choral tradition will be on full display as the Chamber Choir presents works from the country’s golden age of polyphony in the 16th century to its present-day gems. History will be made as a portion of a work rediscovered by the Choir’s own Benjamin Geier is heard for the first time.
For more information: ; ; or call (713) 224-5566
USMCOC Houston - The Woodlands - Gulf Coast offers opportunities for big discounts on advertising in The Alliance Magazine which is a bi-national USA-Mexico publication. For more details contact : or (713) 854-1577.
December 2015
We are pleased to share with you Gardere’s inaugural International Practice Newsletter. This electronic newsletter will be distributed quarterly and will provide our readers with analyses on various topics that impact businesses operating internationally, including trade, energy, disputes, transactions, transportation and immigration, among others. To learn more about Gardere’s 30-plus member international team and how it can help with your cross-border needs, we invite you to click on the International Practice and Professionals links included above.
Sanctions Compliance Issues for Non-U.S. Companies: U.S. Sanctions Against Countries Like Iran and Cuba Have a Long Reach
Foreign companies or affiliates of U.S.-based companies may not be aware that they may be subject to U.S. sanctions laws, including programs on Iran and Cuba, which are administered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). ... READ MORE
Is Cuba Really Open for Business: Opportunities for U.S. Businesses and Individuals Remain Limited
Cuba is open for business! At least, that may be the impression that you get after listening to recent media reports, including those detailing visits by U.S. government officials. ... READ MORE
Pemex Approves Deferment of Payments to Its Providers
On Sept. 24, 2015, Pemex’s board of directors approved deferral of payments to existing trade creditors from the current payment date of 20 calendar days following approval and receipt of the relevant invoice by the contracting area up to 180 days, following field approval. ... READ MORE
2016 International Comparative Legal Guides: Class & Group Actions Guide (Mexico)
On July 29, 2010 Article 17 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (the “Mexican Constitution”) was amended by adding, among others, a third paragraph, which provides as follows: ... READ MORE
Mexico: An Introduction to Insurance
The insurance market in Mexico has been growing tremendously over the last decade, doubling in volume in less than ten years. Mexico is the second largest insurance market in Latin America, second only to Brazil. Its value in premiums is currently worth in excess ... READ MORE
Mexico: An Introduction to Tax
Mexico's legal tax practice has undergone many changes over the last several decades. Years ago, the legal tax practice was dominated by accounting firms which were entrusted with most of the significant tax work in Mexico. Attorneys did not play an important role, ... READ MORE
Cuba Sanctions Update
It may sound counterintuitive, but the recent renewal of the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) has resulted in the further loosening of the U.S. sanctions on Cuba. Under the TWEA, the U.S. Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) ... READ MORE
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
Elsa Manzanares
Elsa Manzanares is an experienced international trade and compliance partner who advises clients on U.S. and international regulations governing export of dual-use commodities, defense articles, software and technology, including the ITAR, the U.S. EAR, the U.S. Foreign Trade Regulations, and the various embargo and sanctions programs administered by the Treasury Department’s OFAC. With ECR in place, clients are concerned about consistency in their compliance with the new rules. Since the effective date of ECR, Elsa has regularly assisted companies plan for and implement procedures to mitigate the risks arising in the transition. ... READ MORE
USMCOC was a proud co-host to the first Houston Gateway to the Americas Conference held Dec 2-4th with over 200 attendees from many countries in Latin America and local business leaders.
March 27, 2014
The United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the inauguration of the “Good Neighbor Inspirational Award” which will be presented during the Good Neighbor Awards Gala scheduled for May 15, 2014 at Organization of American States headquarters, in Washington, D.C.
This Award will be presented for the first time to Mallory Weggemann, American Paralympic Swimmer, and Arly Velasquez, a Mexican Paralympic Alpine Skier for their remarkable strength and perseverance. These two young athletes inspire us to pursue our goals with energy and persistence. Through this Award, the USMCOC and its sister organization, the U.S.-Mexico Cultural and Educational Foundation, want to encourage young people in both countries to not be afraid of challenges, but rather be hopeful and dream high.
Mallory Weggemann (USA) has broken many world records in the S7 classification, and won multiple gold medals at the IPC Swimming World Championships in 2009 and 2010. At the London Paralympic Games of 2012, Weggemann showcased her amazing abilities by winning gold and setting a Paralympic Record in the 50m freestyle, and also anchored the bronze medal winning 4x100m medley relay team, bringing USA back from fifth place to almost capturing gold! It has been deemed one of the most memorable moments of the London Games, inspiring many across the world.
Arly Velásquez (Mexico) is ranked 14th worldwide in the Alpine Mono-ski. At the 2014 Sochi Games Arly placed 11th in the Super-G, which was the highest rank ever for a Latin American athlete in Alpine Skiing. He has also been the National Hand-cycle Champion 2009, and placed 4th in the 2011 Panamerican Games.
The presentation of the Good Neighbor Awards is the closing ceremony of our Annual Meeting, which includes the Binational Conference, and Board of Directors Meeting. Our participants are senior government officials and business executives, who attend our event with the purpose of discussing topics of relevance for the U.S.-Mexico relationship including trade, economics, and cultural understanding.
Miguel Antonio Chalela Retana
Ernesto Enríquez Castillo
Manuel Moctezuma Villarreal
Ibsen 82
Polanco Reforma
11550 México D.F.
Ph: 5281-4322 5281-5658
Mexico Legal Update
Energy Reform Bill Approved
Mexico Eliminates Restrictions and Introduces a Comprehensive Energy Legal Framework
An energy reform bill came into force on December 21st, 2013 after its signature by the President of Mexico and its publication in the Federal Government Gazette (Diario Oficial de la Federación) on December 20th, 2013 (the “Energy Reform”). The Energy Reform was initially discussed and approved by the Mexican Congress and further approved by the immense majority of the state legislatures of Mexico. Although intense debates were held in the Mexican Congress among political parties in Mexico those discussions did not reflect opposition to converting the Mexican state-owned oil and electricity entities, Petróleos Mexicanos ("Pemex") and Comisión Federal de Electricidad (“CFE”) respectively, into more competitive entities that will allow domestic and foreign companies to invest in the oil, gas and electricity sectors in Mexico.
The Energy Reform consists of the amendment of articles 25, 27 and 28 of the Mexican Federal Constitution. At the heart of the Energy Reform is a set of 21 transitional articles with details about the provisions to be implemented in secondary legislation within the following 120 calendar days after the Energy Reform.
Upstream Oil and Gas Activities
The Energy Reforms opens the upstream oil and gas sector to private investment and competition and introduces a new legal framework in which private entities can be awarded licenses and contracts through special contracting conditions as follows:
(1) Service agreements, where private entities carry out exploration and production activities on behalf of the Mexican State, in consideration of a fee to be paid in cash;
(2) Profit-sharing agreements, where most of the financial risks of development of a project are borne by private parties, in consideration of a contingency fee;
(3) Production-sharing agreements, where private entities provide financing and bear the risks of a particular project, in consideration of receiving a share of the production; and
(4) License agreements, where the oil company acquires title to the hydrocarbons at the wellhead; or
(5) Any combination of these arrangements, which will likely result in so called hybrid agreements.
The Energy Reform also provides that it is not limited to the list of agreements above, but the Mexican State has the authority to choose among a wide range of agreements that best suit a particular project.
Under the Energy Reform, the Ministry of Energy (Secretaría de Energía) is entitled to granting oil and gas rights, selecting areas for public bidding, establishing the technical and financial requirements for bidders and awarding contracts with the assistance from the National Hydrocarbon Commission (Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos). The Energy Reform also creates the National Agency of Industrial Security and Environmental Protection of the Hydrocarbon Sector (Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Industrial y de Protección al Medio Ambiente del Sector de Hidrocarburos) to regulate and oversee oil and gas operations with an emphasis on environmental protection.
Booking of Oil Reserves
As a major amendment to the law, the Energy Reform provides that private entities that enter into agreements with the Mexican State may report for accounting and financial purposes such agreements and its expected revenue, provided that any such agreements must include, in writing, a statement providing that hydrocarbons in the subsoil are exclusively owned by the Mexican State.
Prior to the Energy Reform, no rights were granted to private companies with respect to oil reserves; consequently, contractors and providers were not able to assert rights over oil reserves found during exploration and production nor register them as their assets.
Allocation of Exploration and Production Fields
Pemex must submit an allocation application of exploration and production fields to the Ministry of Energy which shall resolve with the assistance of the National Hydrocarbons Commission, within 180 days after the respective application is filed. If an allocation request is approved, the same approval must determine the area, depth and term of the allocation, considering the following:
(1) Pemex may continue with exploration rights for three years which may be renewed for up to two additional years, subject to compliance of an exploration plan if it has made exploration investments in a particular field. If Pemex fails to comply, the same field shall revert to the Mexican State, and
(2) As to production fields, Pemex will maintain its rights in any production field that is operating on or before the Energy Reform come into effect.
Allocations may be transferred prior approval of the Ministry of Energy. In such events, the National Hydrocarbons Commission shall carry out a public bidding process in which the Ministry of Energy shall provide technical and contractual guidelines of such bid. The Ministry of Finance (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público) shall provide the applicable tax regime.
Midstream and Downstream Activities
The Energy Reform opens natural gas processing, storage, oil refining, transport, distribution and selling of hydrocarbons and petrochemicals and their derivatives to private parties and competition. Prior to the Energy Reform, midstream and downstream activities were reserved to the Mexican State.
Under the new legal framework, the Energy Regulatory Commission (Comisión Reguladora de Energía) is empowered to grant permits for midstream and downstream activities. The Ministry of Energy will be in charge of granting permits for refining and natural gas processing facilities. Moreover, the Energy Reform provides that, within 12 months of its enactment, the National Center of Natural Gas Control (Centro Nacional de Control del Gas Natural) will be created to oversee the operation of the transportation and storage pipeline network in Mexico.
Pemex as a Productive State Enterprise
Pemex shall no longer be managed as a government entity. Instead, it must be managed as a productive state enterprise (empresa productiva del estado) in which Pemex shall enjoy budgetary autonomy and its corporate governance shall be arranged under international practices. For instance, the secondary legislation shall require that Pemex Board of Directors be comprised of 10 members to be appointed as follows: (i) five directors, representing the Mexican State, including the Ministry of Energy, and (ii) five professional independent directors. This change removes the right of the Pemex Union to representation in the Pemex Board of Directors as it was provided in the oil reform passed in 2008. Prior to the Energy Reform, the Board of Directors of Pemex was comprised of 15 members appointed as follows: (i) six directors, representing the Mexican State appointed by the President of Mexico, (ii) five directors appointed by the Pemex Union; and (iii) four professional directors appointed by the President of Mexico and ratified by the Senate.
The Mexico Oil Fund for Stabilization and Development
The Energy Reform creates the Mexican Oil Fund for Stabilization and Development (Fondo Mexicano del Petróleo para la Estabilizacion y el Desarrollo), which is a trust to be managed by Mexico’s central bank (Banco de México), as trustee. The Mexican Oil Fund for Stabilization and Development will manage and distribute government oil revenues to mainly pay fees under allocations and agreements.
Electricity Activities
The Energy Reform eliminates the prohibition on power generation by private parties and seeks to open the electricity activities to private investment. Electricity transmission and distribution will remain public services exclusively reserved to the Mexican State. However, secondary legislation will provide for agreements under which private entities may participate in the installation, operation and maintenance of infrastructure for the rendering of transmission and distribution of electricity for public service. In other words, the Energy Reform allows CFE to enter into agreements with private entities to render those services, which will still be controlled by the Mexican State. Within 120 days after the Energy Reform enters into effect, secondary legislation shall be passed to regulating private participation in the electricity sector.
Similar to Pemex, the CFE will be transformed into a productive state enterprise pursuant to the terms and conditions to be set forth in the secondary legislation.
The Energy Reform also provides the creation of the National Energy Control Center (Centro Nacional de Control de Energía) within 12 months after the Energy Reform come into force. The National Energy Control Center will be a governmental entity in charge of the electric grid and the wholesale power market; and will ensure access to the national electric grid and electricity distribution channels.
For further information please contact:
Manuel Moctezuma
Visit profile at
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Disclaimer. The information in this document is for reference purposes only and should not be regarded as a substitute for taking legal advice.
If a client asked where to go on vacation, you probably would not suggest San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
Yet the sophisticated readers of Condé Nast Traveler voted the sleepy Mexican town The World's Best City this week in the Reader's Choice Awards, citing its "great atmosphere, excellent restaurants, culture and ambiance galore."
"The lack of street lights and billboards makes the region romantically and historically beautiful," the magazine says, "and the city itself offers a traditional feeling of a small town in the heart of Mexico."
San Miguel was just one of the surprising and out-of-the-ordinary destinations that travelers loved - a bucket list of cities travel agents might want to visit and recommend.
How many of these cities have you ever visited?
Top Cities in the World
1. San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
2 & 3 (tie). Budapest, Hungary, and Florence, Italy
4. Salzburg, Austria
5 & 6 (tie). Charleston, South Carolina, and San Sebastin, Spain
7. Vienna, Austria
8. Rome, Italy
9. Siena, Italy
10. Québec City, Canada
11 & 12 (tie). Cape Town, South Africa, and Bruges, Belgium
13. Vancouver, Canada
14. Kyoto, Japan
15 & 16 (tie). Prague, Czech Republic, and Kraków, Poland
17, 18 and 19 (tie).Victoria, Canada; Sydney, Australia; and Santa Fe, New Mexico
20 & 21 (tie).Seville, Spain, and Beirut, Lebanon
22 & 23 (tie). Paris, France, and Melbourne, Australia
24 & 25 (tie). Venice, Italy, and Barcelona, Spain
Top Cities in the United States
1. Charleston, South Carolina
2. Sante Fe, New Mexico
3. San Francisco
4. Honolulu
5. Chicago
Good afternoon:
I am pleased to invite you cordially by the Mexican Technology, Investment and Foreign Trade Council (COMCE) to participate at the XX Foreign Trade Congress to be held at the colonial City of Queretaro, Queretaro (Mexico), from November 20th to 22nd, 2013.
For further information and details about the event, enclosed please find the flyers in English and Spanish.
Thank you so much for your kind attention.
Evangelina O. Garcia Moreno
Consul Asuntos Economicos, Politicos y Eventos Especiales
( 713-778-6102)
Consulate General of Mexico in Houston
USMCOC Member Maria B Jordan honored at MCRP Ceremony. George P. Bush keynote speaker today, October 16th in Conroe, TX.
Pete Garcia states, "This is a well deserved recognition for Maria Jordan, one of our first members to the USMCOC." We are proud of her and her work to help others."
Provided by the Mexico City Tourism Board.
I recently wrote on the prospects of energy reform in Mexico ahead of legislation that was filed in the country this past week. You can read my piece that was published in a number of news outlets, including World Politics Review, online here.
The energy reform measure as filed is generating a fair amount of conversation both here in Mexico and across the U.S., as investors and observers consider the full extent and implications of the proposed constitutional changes.
Shortly after filing the legislation, Americas Society / Council of the Americas offered up five key points to watch as the process unfolds, and The Economist provided a good sense of the political environment. Read AS/COA's piece here, and The Economist's analysis by clicking.
My colleagues here at White & Case published a good analysis of the reforms. I've provided you an excerpt of the piece below, and you can access the full report online here. Meanwhile, Morgan Stanley, in their research publication dated August 16, returns to the topic of "Mexico's Moment," in light of the energy proposals.
To keep abreast of the latest news on this topic and other issues impacting your business and investments in Mexico, you can find me on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
I hope you’ll call on me if I can be of help from my office here at White & Case or Vianovo Ventures.
Antonio Garza
There’s a revolution going on south of the border, and it may bring millions of dollars to Houston energy companies looking for exploration and production opportunities close to home.
Mexico appears to be on the brink of a major reform that would allow foreign investment and profit in its oil and gas industry, busting the Mexican government’s monopoly on its energy industry. President Enrique Peña Nieto, a member of the political party that nationalized the industry in the first place, has proposed an amendment to the constitution that would allow Mexico’s Congress to regulate the industry instead of the state-owned ...
To continue reading go to htpps://
U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker today announced she will lead her first business development mission to Mexico City and Monterrey from November 18-22, 2013. This mission will further elevate and strengthen this dynamic bilateral commercial and economic relationship and highlight new U.S. business opportunities with Mexico.
“Exports are an essential component for spurring growth and creating jobs in America,” said Secretary Pritzker. “The United States and Mexico have strong business ties and increasing opportunities for trade and collaboration between our two nations will help bolster economic success across our border.”
Mexico is the United States’ second-largest export market and third-largest trading partner. Twenty-two states in America depend on Mexico as the first or second destination for exports, and more than $1.25 billion in goods and services are traded between the U.S. and Mexico every day, supporting millions of jobs in both countries. Together with Canada, Mexico and the United States comprise one of the most competitive and successful regional economic platforms in the world.
This business development mission will promote U.S. exports to Mexico by helping export-ready U.S. companies launch or increase their business in a number of key industry sectors including: advanced manufacturing, information and communications technology, and health IT and medical devices. The mission will make stops in Mexico City and Monterrey.
Businesses interested in participating in this trade mission should call the U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Business Liaison at (202) 482-1360 or by visiting htpps://
The deadline for all applications is September 13, 2013.